The success of our faith formation programs depends on the dedicated individuals in our parish who are willing to share their time, talents, and faith with our parish.
There is a role for everyone! You can commit to varied tasks and time schedules – weekly, monthly, or just 2-3 times a year!
Here are some of the roles we have and the times commitments anticipated:
Parish Religious Education (Sunday AM)
Catechist (Weekly Commitment)
Catechist Aid (Weekly Commitment)
Check-in Volunteer (Weekly Commitment)
Catechist or Aid Substitute (Occasional)
Library Worker (Monthly)
Faith Formation Office Helper (Varied Times)
Youth Ministry (Wednesday PM)
High School Core Team (Weekly Commitment)
Middle School Core Team (Weekly Commitment)
Welcome Committee (Weekly Commitment)
Food Ministry (Weekly Commitment)
Chaos Coordinators (Occasional)
Speakers (Occasional)
Event Chaperone and Driver (Varied)
Social Set-up Team (Monthly)
Social Clean-up Team (Monthly)
Small Group Leader Substitute (Occasional)
Sacrament Volunteers
Office Assistance (Varied)
Sacrament Day Check-in (3 times a year)
Sacrament Day Runner (3 times a year)
Reception Set-up Team (3 times a year)
Reception Clean-up Team (3 times a year)
Reception Hosts (3 times a year)
Reception Coordinator (3 times a year)
Adult Formation
Bible Study Coordinators/Leaders (Weekly)
RCIA Team (Weekly)