Juniors and Seniors: Registration for the LAST Search of the year is now open! SPACE IS LIMITED! Forms can be found on the youth bulletin board or on the parish website. If you are interested in attending, please return your registration form and fee to Amanda as soon as possible to save your spot. If you would like to attend but cannot afford the full registration fee, please let Amanda know as there are some scholarship funds available.
SEARCH for Christian Maturity is a weekend experience in Christian living. It is designed to help high school juniors and seniors see their value as human beings and members of a loving community. This is done by having the participants come to know God, themselves, and others in a more loving, personal way. The essential component of SEARCH is its youth-to-youth approach, referred to as peer ministry. This component cannot be stressed enough; other programs can be valuable, but no one can talk with and relate to another better than a peer.