Who: High School Youth (Middle School Youth are welcome to attend with their families.)
When: Saturday, January 22, 2022 (10:15 AM - 2:30 PM)
Where: Pavilion at Coolidge Park (120 River St. Chattanooga, TN 37405)
Registration Deadline: Wednesday, January 19
Prior to the March we will have an opportunity to hear from speakers from Chattanooga Right to Life. The March itself will be around 45 minutes to an hour. Following the March, we will process our experience in small groups and then hear from Mrs. Sheri Fava about what Catholic Charities Pregnancy Help Center in Chattanooga has to offer and what we can do to help!
Lunch will be provided and then we will head over to the Memorial for the Unborn for prayer. If you haven't been, it is a very moving experience!
Youth and families are both welcome, but if high school youth come without parents, they need to have a signed consent form.