Please be generous in supporting our Diocesan Deacon Formation Program THIS WEEKEND! Our diocese is greatly blessed with over 100 deacons, 24 of whom were just ordained this past Summer. Your donation will assist with the ongoing formation and development of our deacons now serving in the diocese, and will also help to provide instruction for a new class of future deacons who, God willing, will be ordained in 2027! Deacons are ordained to the service of the Bishop, his priests, and the people of God. They are a bridge between the sanctuary and the world in which they live. They bring the altar to the neighborhood and bring the needs of the neighborhood to the altar. They teach, and help organize charitable resources within the parish and diocese. They bring the Gospel and the gift of themselves to the soup kitchens, the food banks, prisons, hospitals and wherever else a need exists as well as to the parish they are assigned to.